Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Whatsapp And Facebook Collaboration after pics

whatsapp and facebook
We Know whatsapp is now sold to facebook for $19bn and look it’s been trending all over the world lets us have some fun here are some whatsapp and facebook collaborations pics get a look :

Thursday, 9 January 2014

How To see Facebook Password

There are so many fake software claims that download this and get any facebook password. This is really rubbish I don’t believe in any software. so I found out how you can see the facebook password of a friend without any software. Actually I was learning how Mark created fb or what was its code for my profile page and I found this stuff. I won’t claim that you can hack into a profile but I am pretty sure that if  someone challenged you then  Follow me :

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